from Archerfield
Wednesday 7
DH82A Tiger Moth . . . . . bites the dust
Well, . . . not quite as it seems,
. . . how about . . . prop. contacts tarmac . !
Aircraft nosed over after hand start went wrong.

Photo, click for view DH82A
Standby for damaged prop. photo
Update . . . .
Here 'tis . . . click on Photo
Latest Update . . .
The Loss of an Aviation Legend
Laurie Curley
Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer "Extraordinaire"
It is Monday 12th. August 1996
The T.V. News just reported that Laurie Curley met his maker in a Light Aircraft accident
near Roma.
The facts surrounding the accident are unknown at this stage, however the Roma area, for some
strange reason, keeps claiming aircraft by what appears to be 'low level steep turns'
similar to a steep turn onto final.
Tuesday 13th 1996
It would appear that Laurie may have being trying to carry out a forced landing at night,
when the aircraft struck a tree during a turn.
He left Longreach late Sunday for Roma where he was to help Denis Beahan replace an engine
in a Heron Aircraft.
The Aircraft ended up in unfamiliar "featureless" terrain, miles from his destination, well
after his E.T.A. Roma.
My guess is, he missed Roma in the fading light, and was unaware he had passed abeam his
destination and continued on into the night.
He reported his predicament to another aircraft already at Roma some time later, but they
were unable to help. He normally carried a G.P.S. . . . but it's status is unknown.
Aviation has lost a true "character" spanning a lifetime of more than 40 years of service to
the industry.
Laurie will be missed by all who knew him
Thursday 15
Archerfield's DC4 is to "Star" in a Movie
Click for details
Wednesday 21
Southern Skies Rockwell 114 returns to "roost" after expensive (but not extensive)
. . . 5 months in the making!
View "Phantom"
Thursday 22
Tourist Bus observed harassing the wild-life on Archerfield's "Grass Plains"
Saturday 24
Archerfield's Jabiru deserts the airfield for glamour of large Shopping Centre
View "Playboy"
Monday 26
Busy day for tourist buses learning how to "taxi" on the tarmac
Friday 30
New Security arrangements
Top Secret