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AirCentre Aviation News Digest
Friday 1
    Latest information via the "grapevine" confirms the x Archerfield DC4 is now in Lismore

    Being Piston Engined, the GAIT charge for one day's parking at Archerfield is "only" $1200.00 which is based and calculated on the aircraft's "All Up Weight"

    . . . . does this mean the Airship, which is lighter than air, is paid when it comes to the 'Field?

    . . . . and it comes as no surprise that a similar parking charge for the DC4 at Lismore is $ zero!
    . . . . . .
    and that's a "saving" of over $37,200.00 since the '4 left the 'Field "only" one month ago!
    . . . . . . .
    and in less than 12 months, the parking bill would have been substantially more than what was paid for the complete aircraft only a few months ago!
Sunday 3
    Another new "groundcraft" joins in to give "support" to the junior members of the flying fraternity

    One of the three Rolls Royces on the 'Field observed lending a "hand" to start a Jabiru with a flat battery

    . . . . . where is the best place to store a Roller?

    . . . . .
    why in an aircraft hangar of course!
View Start

Saturday 9
    Airport activity appears to be increasing "Ground Side" rather than the expected "Airways Side" now that the weather has improved for flying

    "Grapevine" reports have the aircraft fuel storage about to be "shifted" at great expense to the Oil/Fuel Company, this cost will then have to be passed on to the end user

    . . . . yep, you guessed it . . . the good 'ole "standby" the aircraft owner, will yet again, be asked to "pay" one way or another, to "improve" a system that has operated successfully and without any serious incident for more than 60 years

    Meanwhile, the "airport owners" for some obscure reason, have decided the local Scout Building needs relocating and there doesn't appear to be a "lack of funds" for that operation!

    . . . . . one would think that at an airport, "spare" funds (known as "profit" years ago) should go to towards assisting the improvement of aircraft parking and the associated supporting equipment like "shade" Hangars etc!

    . . . .
    it is well documented what the "tropics" can do to a "sensitive skin" like fabric covered aircraft on the 'Field
View Fuel Tombstone

Friday 15
    Conspicuous by their absence on the 'Field this week, is the (non)sighting of the "ten gallon" hats and "riding boots" normally worn by our Graziers from out west

    Aircraft generally arrive during this week "en masse" for the Royal Brisbane Show to take part and be in the agricultural side of the annual "Ekka" Exhibition

    . . . . . is it because of the "drought" still lingering in the bush, or the high "cost" of parking and fuel on the 'Field that has finally stopped this local phenomena from occurring?
Mid-day Plane Park

Friday 22
    Archerfield Airport Sale details in text format are now available by clicking HERE use the "back" command to return

    BZW, the people left with responsibility for the sale, advise the "Site Visit Schedule" for Archerfield is 0900 hrs Tuesday 23 September for those who may be interested

    The only minor "incident" during the week was an unco-operative Beech B200 under the command of Peter Henderson

    The undercarriage failed to extend on approach to Toowoomba early last Wednesday, requiring Pete to return to Archerfield for maintenance was that 50 or 60 turns of the emergency gear extension ..and is that "hard to get at" handle wound clockwise or anti-clockwise!

    ...the aircraft landed at Archerfield without further incident, ...the circuit breaker under the pilot seat had "popped" for some unknown reason

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