News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD
AirCentre Aviation News Digest
Monday 1
    Early morning bomb scare near the 'Field disrupts motor vehicle traffic around the airport causing major delays and headaches for the airfields' "groundside" customers trying to enter

    Meanwhile, the "fuel farm" building takes shape in the middle of runways 10 and 04's

    . . . . . the local grapevine is also a-buzz with the recent changes occurring within the local F.A.C. office

    . . . . and a local operator leaves to-morrow for the U.S.A. to "certify" the new Government Jet now in its final stages of delivery
Tombstone Territory
Friday 5
    Considerable groundside activity airside to-day when a convoy of three semi-trailers with underground fuel tanks a-top arrive at the 'Field

    The Oil Companies are installing modern aircraft re-fueling bowsers at the new fuel farm after more than 60 safe years "groundside"

    . . . . . for those who are old enough to remember, it must come as a bit of a shock to see a fuel depot on the very spot where many a landing and take-off was achieved
    . . . . well
    . . . it was an "all over" 'field back in those days!
Expensive Tanks
Monday 15
    It's "party time" at the Airfield as the airport operators farewell one year and gear-up to welcome the next

    On Saturday the Acro Sport homebuilt had it's first engine run and is now in the final stage prior to the issue of a "Flight Permit"

    And at Archerfield's nearest neighbour ThomasField the taxi-way surface from the airstrip to the hangar is now been re-sealed with a "no stones" hot mix

    . . . . . . propeller destroying stones found on Archerfield's taxi-ways have always been of deep concern to aircraft owners

    . . . . . guess where the "no stones" surface is on Archerfield?

    . . . . . why, in the "groundside" car park of course !!
Tuesday 16
    A Citation Jet pays a visit to the 'Field

    Dick Smith from the Board of CASA drops in for a conference with the local CAA staff

    Dick's re-entry into the decision making process of aviation policy is welcomed by most of the "old-time" aviators who have witnessed a serious decline over the past decades of the private sector "sport and recreation" flying activity

    . . . . . up to now the apparent "lack of knowledge" by the CAA staff and advisors has lead to what can only be described as a "large hole" in the aviation "safety net"

    . . . . .and recent statistics show that the declining private and business flying activity is been compared with figures that a decade ago were already "in decline"
Dick for President?
Sunday 21
    The Airport swelters from a heat wave, meanwhile on the "home" front, the latest Domain report for AirCentre indicates these pages are widely read around the world

    26 countries "looked in" over the past few months, the following list is compiled from the records with the highest number of "hits" first

    U.S.A (com), N.Z. (nz), U.S.A. Educ.(edu), U.K. (uk), Sweden (se), Canada (ca), South Africa (za), Finland (fi), Czech Republic (cz), Denmark (dk), Italy (it), Ireland (ie), Indonesia (id), Norway (no), Belgium (be), Brazil (br), Singapore (sg), Japan (jp), South Korea (kr), Poland (pl), India (in), Malaysia (my), Slovak Republic (sk), Netherlands (nl), France (fr), Kazakhstan (kz)..

    . . . . . so now you know where all those countries are with those abbreviations ! !

    . . . . and the heat wave conditions at the 'Field this week has only encouraged the flyers to "go for height" in an endeavour to keep "cool"
Wednesday 24
    The day before Christmas and all is quite at the 'Field

    . . . . . not so !

    The Airport Cafeteria has been sold and the building is now in the process of been shifted

    And quoting an old pilot saying "the most dangerous part of the flight is driving to the airport", check out the photo below for an accident just outside the main entrance to the 'Field

    . . . . . a reminder that any transport medium can inflict injury to anyone at anytime

    . . . drive carefully and fly sensibly
Car Crash
And Click HERE for Cafeteria

Wednesday 31
    The '97 Year ends with an "off airfield drama" when Archerfields Jabiru tries out a local school athletic track as another airport site, but discovers after "landing" that it's far too small

    The Bundaberg designed and built engine in the aircraft failed to respond for the GFPT "student" pilot returning to Archerfield necessitating a classic forced landing in a Sunnybank school yard

    The uninjured pilot landed the powerless aircraft on a "postage stamp" and collapsed the undercart carrying out what must be the shortest of all "short landings"

    . . . . . another "old pilot" saying . . . . .

    . . . . . . any landing you can walk away from must be considered a good one!
Jabiru goes to School

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