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AirCentre Aviation News Digest
JULY 1997
Tuesday 1
    Latest news has another quality aircraft leaving the 'Field along with the DC4 that left earlier this week

    The Southern Skies Rockwell 114 has found a new home in Kiwi Land and the '4 has been "lost" to "South of the Border"

    The RC114 is expected to be in New Zealand by Friday and the "grapevine" has the "DC4 Movie Star" in Lismore

    . . . . . with all these machines leaving, it must make any prospective purchaser of the Airfield very concerned about it's future!
Monday 7
    Record Claimant Peter Henderson trades his piston powered "seat" for a avtur burning Beech 200 Model

    Pete reckons 11,000 hours in the seat of one aircraft is enough and moves onto "bigger" machinery

    . . . . . is this the aircraft that was used yesterday on a S.A.R. flight based on the whim of some clairvoyant?

    . . . . one can only trust that if it did occur, the "bill" for such a "useless" flight half way to New Caledonia and back, is not "charged" to the Aviation Search and Rescue Budget !
View B200

Saturday 12
    Thess News Pages can now be accessed via the Domain Name ""

    A link for pilots home pages is included on the AirCentre Web Page and all aviators are encouraged to make use of the link and include their own Home Page

    Contact Don at if you wish to add your link

    . . . . . meanwhile, the not-so-good weather at the airfield makes for a "dull" time

    . . . most weekends has what is termed "marginal VFR" weather, while during the week the weather is almost "perfect"

    . . . . one begins to wonder why this is so.!

Wednesday 16
    The "around the world" Long-EZs of Dick Rutan and Mike Melvill have returned to the U.S.A.

    A "welcome home" Hangar Party is planned for the 26th of this month at the Hansen Hangar on Mojave Airport

    . . . . Psssst . . . . wanna go to a beaut party?

    . . . check out Update 20 for details and RSVP Kelly Hall at the Rutan Aircraft Factory!
Sunday 20
    Two "new" Australian LightWings made their presence felt at the 'Field during the week

    These excellent Ballina built, Bill Whitney designed, VH Registered, 2 seat "stol" aircraft operate under a 6 monthly "Permit to Fly" and not a normal Certificate of Airworthiness

    The "waiting game" continues for Howard Hughes, the builder of the LightWing, it is now 6 years since he applied for a Airworthiness Certificate for the aircraft

    The "excuse" for the delay appears to be the "overworked" (?) and apparent "lack of" aviation experienced, Civil Aviation Authority staff

    . . . . this is not another case of "lack of knowledge" by aviation bureaucrats, . . . . . is it?

    . . . . . the reality is; . . . it always takes a lot longer to do a job when one has "low knowledge" of the product!
View VH LightWings

    A training Cessna C150 from an "on field" flying school gets involved in landing "mishap" and attracts the TV News "Birds of Prey" from the "mountain"

    Incorrect landing technique results in the C150 "falling over" on Runway 22L

    . . . . is this another case for the "lack of currency" debate.?
View Damage
and click on Runway 22L for another view

Monday 28
    Latest "gossip" on the 'Field is the change of ownership of Southern Skies Aviation

    Brian Westin who ran an aviation "show" in Mt. Isa for a number of years, is poised to "take over" the business as from August 1st

    Brian's 26 years and thousands of flying hours in outback Queensland gives potential aviators the opportunity to gain from this wealth of knowledge and experience

    . . . . the General Aviation Industry needs more people "running it" with a G.A. background
    . . . . . only then will the "lack of knowledge" by aviation bureaucrats change!

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