AirCentre Aviation News Digest
MAY 1997
Thursday 1
Just for the record, . . . this News Page was accessed
216 times during last month
. . . . . all is quite on Archerfield's light aircraft "flying" front
. . . . . except maybe for the military helicopters "generating" noise
Monday 5
Archerfield's Jabiru joins the latest "in" thing at the 'field, trades "air"
for "ground" and becomes the latest "GroundCraft"
A few days ago the Jabiru was in take-off mode on R10L when it reached V1 and aborted,
the engine "bonnet" flew up and contacted the aircraft's propeller
Latest indications from the "Xperts" have this "new" GroundCraft as "illegal"
. . . . . the insurance is less than the 5 million dollars required by the FAC
for GroundCrafts and the new "ground pilot" has not passed the airport ground
navigation test!
. . . . . is this a good "case" for an aviation Lawyer to handle?
View Damage
Friday 9
A 26 year old Australian designed, New Zealand built, ex Singapore Air Force pilot
training Victa (9V-BDV) "Airtourer"
arrives for checkup
The T6 variant, sporting a 3 blade composite propeller, was originally designed by the
late Henry Millicer
about 35 years ago and is now owned by Redcliffe pilot Bill Pennell
. . . . . Archerfield awaits for the outcome of the recent Brisbane Airport sale
. . . . . some organizations still have "faith" and continue to "spend" on
improvements at the 'Field!
. . . . . is this the F.A.C.'s latest attempt in trying to "attract" customers?
Tuesday 13
Another group of International Visitors arrive at the 'Field on their
circumnavigation of the Globe
Two German registered Beech V35 Bonanzas are on a world trip in honour of the
50th. anniversary of the first "V Tail" to go into production at Wichita U.S.A.
Jurgen Timm with fellow aviators, the father and son team of DR’s. Gunter and
Gero Kuhlmann, check out Archerfield's hospitality
. . . . . with all these international flights passing through, perhaps the 'field
could be listed as "international"?
. . . . , for those who don't believe;
. . . . check out the recent "overseas" visitors
Singapore PA38 - Thailand B200 - Aussie RV4 -
Chinese HAMC Y12-11 - Aussie DH82A - Austrian Glass Air 11
Click for view on arrival

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Saturday 17
Archerfield "International" is to play host to yet another World Flight
now in progress
Dick Rutan, of Voyager
"non-stop around the world" fame and brother of Burt, the designer of the Voyager and
canard based EZ range of aircraft, is expected to arrive at the 'field within the next week
Dick is flying his "homebuilt" along with a "wingman" Mike Melvill who is also in his
own Rutan designed LongEZ homebuilt
. . . . details of the flight can be accessed via the internet address
Saturday 24
Archerfield's latest aircraft auction finally resolves the
DC4's ownership problem
Gold Coast resident, Russell Broadbent of Jet Provost
fame adds the large 4 engined radial to his fleet
. . . . . meanwhile, the "around the world" flyers take a break after making
Cocos Is. after an 18hr marathon flight
. . . . . the 'Field awaits the history making aviators