Friday 1
The operations of the airfield remain in a "status quo" position after the recent "sale" however the same cannot be said for the owners of aircraft
The latest Airworthiness Directive issued by the CASA affects most of the "older" 2 and 4 seat training aircraft on the 'Field
The crankshaft of Lycoming engines fitted with a fixed pitch propeller will require an inspection within the next 100 hrs or one year and thereafter every 5 years
. . . . . . owners call this phenomenon, which normally involves obtaining a bank loan to cover the cost of repairs
"The joys of owning a Light Aircraft"
. . . . . click
HERE to view AD/LYC/102, effective May 21 1998
Monday 4
News reports have the Casino based Grumman Cheetah VH - IJI missing in the McPherson Range south of Archerfield
Early reports indicate the aircraft was enroute to Archerfield late yesterday when it failed to arrive
As this report is published poor weather in the search area near Mt. Warning - where a survival beacon signal has been located - is hampering the rescue helicopters
. . . . . this page will be updated as further news comes to hand
Up Date
News reports indicate the pilot did not survive
. . . . . Grumman Aircraft record their first fatal accident since been introduced to this country more than 23 years ago
View of VH - IFI
Sistership to
Grumman Cheetah
Monday 11
Highlights of the passing week include a visit to Archerfield of a newly rebuilt Avro 594 Mk4 Avian
This excellent vintage aircraft is a credit to it's owner, Lang Kidby, who has completely reconstructed the machine in his Caboolture workshop
The aircraft leaves early to-morrow for a re-enactment flight of Bert Hinkler's solo flight in a similar aircraft from England to Australia in 1928
The Avian aircraft, built by the famous British aircraft company A.V. Roe & Co. is also responsible for such machines as the Lancaster and Vulcan bombers
. . . . . Bert, the Bundaberg born aviator, is well remembered by many of the "older" pilots for his exceptional navigational skill and daring
Views of the Avian

Hinkler's original "England to Australia" Avian can be viewed at the Queensland Museum
Sunday 17
Two Beech Bonanzas' comfort each other late this afternoon after one experiences undercarriage problems
What should have been only practice suddenly turns real for a pilot undergoing training on emergency procedures
The nose wheel on one of the Bonanzas fails to lock down and a call goes out for assistance to the Flying School "boss" carrying out IFR training in another Bonanza nearby
. . . . . the "boss" confirms the nosewheel of the A36 is "down but not locked" from the other F33A aircraft
. . . . . after a short delay awaiting for the emergency vehicles to arrive, a "minimum damage" landing is successfully carried out on runway 28L
. . . . . as a matter of interest the F33A Bonanza that came to assist is registered
MUM to the Rescue

Tuesday 26
Latest news to hit the desk at AirCentre is the pending arrival of 2 Eagles to Archerfield
The Royal Queensland Aero Club has negotiated a satisfactory deal for the West Aussie built Aircraft to be made available to the 'Fields' aviators for both training and hire
. . . . . in 1969 the words "the Eagle has landed" remains etched in memory for those persons interested in aviation at that time
. . . . . that makes it almost 30 years ago since man first landed on the
