News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD
AirCentre Aviation News Digest
Friday 3
    Latest information from those "in the know" is that the 'Field will be "sold" based on a long term lease arrangement

    Meanwhile business continues as normal including the arrival a "new" Mooney after a long "over water" flight from the U.S.A. and a nearby skydive School use the facilities of the airfield to "drop" a load into a Brisbane north side centre

    . . . . one would have a better chance of flying to the moon than getting a positive answer from a bureaucrat on the future of the 'Field

    . . . . . well, . . . . you can't say we didn't try for you, the viewer!
Jump Team
Friday 10
    As reported last month a "new" machine is now undergoing final assembly in one of the 'Fields' hangars before it's maiden flight

    Keith Hinchliffe from nearby Salisbury is now rigging his excellent "self built" Acro-Sport Biplane which should be ready for the first test flight in a few weeks time

    . . . . just think . . . .

    . . . . . how would you feel after spending the last ten years and thousands of (sometimes) frustrating hours in the construction of your dream aircraft and now it's almost time
. . . the first flight !
Acro-Sport Assembly
Friday 17
    Highlights of the passing week include an emergency team callout when a Rockwell 114 experiences undercarriage "down" problems on Saturday

    And a Gates Learjet 35A from down Melbourne way spends a few days on the 'Field soaking up the pleasant Queensland flying weather

    . . . . . on the "non-flying" scene, the airport sale is still creating interest with various "on field" meetings with operators to discuss the possible purchase
View 35A
Monday 27
    To-day is the last day for all potential Archerfield airport owners to submit their "Expressions of Interest" to the Governmen

    Tenders close at 1700 hrs

    . . . . . Archerfield's value is estimated at between $5M and $10M dollars for the lease "rights" to operate the airport for the next 50 years plus the option of a further 49 years

    . . . . a "short list" of bidders should be known within the next 2 weeks

    . . . stay "tuned" to this location for updates

Thursday 30
    The Royal Flying Doctor Service Beech Super King Air arrives at the 'Field to deliver a patient to an awaiting Ambulance

    About the same time an X Fairfax owned Cessna Conquest departs from Runway 10L for the long ferry flight back to the U.S.A.

    . . . . . no sooner a new aircraft arrives to the 'Field, . . . another departs

    . . . . the low Aussie dollar is making it attractive for overseas buyers to purchase "our" good used Aircraft
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