COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMONWEALTH REGULATION OF PHASE 2 AIRPORTS JANDAKOT/PARAFIELD/ARCHERFIELD/MOORABBIN/ESSENDON Following the leasing by the Commonwealth of Jandakot, Parafield, Archerfield, Moorabbin and Essendon Airports ("the GA airports"), State laws will apply at each airport, except in relation to a number of specific matters which will be regulated by the Commonwealth under the Airports Act 1996. Most Parts of the Airports Act apply to "core regulated airports", as defined at Clause 7, and any other airports prescribed for the purpose of the Part. While the GA airports are not core regulated airports, they will be prescribed for purposes of Parts 2, 5, 6, 11 and 12 of the Act. Other Parts of the Act apply to any airport leased under the Act, and so will also apply to the GA airports. Parts 3, 9, 10 and 14 are such Parts. Those Parts of the Act which will apply to the GA airports are outlined below. A copy of the paper addressing post-sale aeronautical pricing options for GA airports is also attached for information. PART 2- LEASING AND MANAGEMENT OF AIRPORTS Part 2 of the Act contains rules about the leasing and management of Commonwealth-owned airports. An airport lease must not be granted, varied or transferred unless the lease complies with requirements set out in the Act. The main purpose of these rules is to ensure that, at all times, the Commonwealth is able to maintain public interest regulatory control over the leasing and management of the airports. Under the Act, an airport lease may extend up to 50 years with an option to renew for up to 49 years. Among other things, Part 2 * requires that each leased airport be leased by a separate company; * prohibits a company which leases or manages an airport from undertaking substantial trading or financial activities other than activities relating to the development and operation of the airport, or activities incidental to these purposes; * prohibits the disposal of an airport lease by way of declaration of trust; * prohibits certain types of subleases and licences; and * requires the approval of the Minister for airport management companies and agreements. PART 3 - RESTRICTIONS ON OWNERSHIP OF AIRPORT-OPERATOR COMPANIES Part 3 effectively requires that a company which leases an airport or manages a leased airport must be at least 51% Australian-owned and must be no more than 5% owned by any single airline or associated interests. The Airports Regulations set out record-keeping and reporting requirements which apply to companies which lease or manage airports, to establish that the ownership restrictions of the Act are met. The Airports (Ownership - Interests in Shares) Regulations provide for certain interests in shares to be disregarded for purposes of the ownership rules of the Act. In particular, the Interests held by a foreign trustee or manager of an investment fund may be disregarded for the purposes of the foreign ownership rules if foreign persons hold beneficial interests in less than 40 per cent of the fund. PART 5 - LAND USE, PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROLS Part 5 sets out a scheme of regulation of land use, planning and on- airport building intended to promote the orderly planning and development of the airports. It requires that master plans be approved by the Minister, and that major developments and building activities at these airports also be approved by the Minister and be consistent with master plans. Approval of major development plans may be conditional on the completion of full environment impact assessment processes if the proposed development is considered to have significant environmental impacts. The Act requires an airport leasing company to advertise and provide the opportunity for public comment on a preliminary version of a draft master plan and on a draft major development plan, before providing the draft plans to the Minister. Building and construction activity at the airport must be approved by the Airport Building Controller (ABC). The ABC is appointed by the Department of Transport and Regional Development. The specific processes for approval of building and construction activies are set down in the Airports (Building Control) Regulations. PART 6 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Part 6 requires the airport leasing companies to develop, submit for approval and comply with environmental strategies to promotes improved environmental outcomes at the airports. Draft environment strategies must be approved by the Minister. The Act requires an airport leasing company to advertise and provide the opportunity for public comment on a preliminary version of a draft strategy, before providing the draft strategy to the Minister. The airport leasing company must make its approved environment strategy and variations available for public inspection and must notify the public that it is doing so. Regulations made under the Act set standards and impose requirements in relation to the prevention or minimisation of environmental pollution (air, water and soil quality) or noise (other than from aircraft in flight) generated at airport sites. Administration of environmental controls at the airport is the responsibility of the Airport Environment Officer (AEO). The AEO is appointed by Department of Transport and Regional Development. PART 9-VARIATION AND CLOSURE OF AIRPORT SITES Part 9 specifies that the consent of the airport leasing company is required for the variation or closure of an airport site If an airport site is to be varied, the lease 'can be surrendered to the Commonwealth and a new lease granted consistent with the requirement that there be only one lease for an airport. PART 10 - IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS RELATING TO AIRPORTS Part 1:0 provides that the regulations may require an airport operator to act in a manner consistent with Australia's obligations under a designated international agreement or an amendment of such an agreement, so long as such regulations do not come into operation before the related agreement or amendment comes into effect for Australia. No regulations have been made to date under Part 10. PART 11 - CONTROL OF CERTAIN ON-AIRPORT ACTIVITIES Part 11 provides that the regulations may provide for the control of certain on-airport commercial activities Those activities are: (a) the sale, supply, disposal or possession of liquor at an airport: (b) the supply of goods or services to a consumer; (c) the parking or use of vehicles, both landside and airside; (d) gambling: and (e) smoking. In the absence of regulations, State laws apply. It is intended that States will assume regulatory responsibility over aft of the above areas. Transitional arrangements will preserve existing authorisations to sell liquor. While existing authority holders will not need to apply for a new State liquor licence, they will be required to comply with applicable State liquor laws in respect of all other matters. PART 12- PROTECTION OF AIRSPACE AROUND AIRPORTS Under Part 12, the Commonwealth may regulate to prevent certain incursions into airspace where it is the interests of the safety, efficiency and regularity of air transport operations into or out of an airport to do so. The Airpons (Protection of Airspace) Regulations set out arrangements for establishing the airspace which is protected and for seeking approval to conduct activities which would result in intrusions into that airspace. PART 14-AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES AND RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES Under Part 14, at leased airports, air traffic services and rescue and fire fighting services will be provided by, or in accordance with an arrangement with, Airservices Australia, or in accordance with an arrangement approved by the Minister for Transport and Regional Development. MISCELLANEOUS The Act allows for review of decisions of the Minister under the Act by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), which undertakes reviews of administrative decisions on their merits. All decisions are reviewable by the AAT other than certain specified decisions, All decisions made under the Act are also be subject to judicial review by the Federal Court. Part 4 of the Act gives the Minister power in certain circumstances to counteract schemes intended primarily to circumvent the provisions of the Act on the leasing and management of airports or on the ownership and control of airport-operator companies. The Schedule to the Act defines terms relevant to the regulation of the ownership of airport-lessee and airport-management companies under Part 3 of the Act. INQUIRIES Airports Branch Department of Transport and Regional Development Phone: (02) 62747390 Fax: (02) 6274 6717