Please Note:- This page is in Text Format If this Page is displayed as a separate form Use the "Close" command to exit, or use the "Back" Command to return if this page is displayed by your Browser UPDATE EIGHTEEN CONTACT - KELLY HALL 805-824-4608 (Dick Rutan's office) OR 805-943-4589 (home office) 805-824-9575 fax (e mail) (web site) THE SPIRIT OF EAA FRIENDSHIP WORLD TOUR CONTINUES SNORKEL, SCENERY, SERVOS AND SPRINGS Tahiti is a rough place. There isn't much to do - you can enjoy the immaculate beaches, the scenery and you can snorkel until customs opens, but that's about it. Good thing Mike and Dick have learned to "rough it" during this world flight adventure. Turning back time a bit, Dick returned to Australia after the Roanoke, Virginia lecture and the LongEZ re-join was done in Brisbane, Australia. From there, the duo flew on to Norfolk Island - a place they both immensely enjoyed. The owner of the hotel toured the island with Mike and Dick - a historic island populated with descendants of Christen Fletcher and his crew (Mutiny On The Bounty). Burt and Tonya Rutan have vacationed on the island of Fiji before, and their friend, Jay Johnson, took care of everything for Mike and Dick after the two LongEZ's arrived. On approach, it was discovered that we hadn't obtained a landing permit for NADI, but David Young of Air Fiji came to the rescue. The island, Mike, said, is truly gorgeous and surrounded by a barrier reef. They flew around the other islands, but were unable to visit - those other islands only had 300 foot grass strips. Then it was on to Pago-Pago and then an arrival in Tahiti on Saturday. On the Fiji to Pago-Pago leg, Ground Mission Control's Dick Blosser reported: "DICK AND MIKE DEPARTED FIJI AT ABOUT 2245Z OR 3:45 PM PDT IN CLEAR WEATHER AND EXPECT TO ARRIVE PAGO PAGO ABOUT 8:00 PM PDT. DICK DEPARTED WITH 100 GAL FUEL ON BOARD. CURRENT GROUND SPEED IS 163 KNOTS." DICK BLOSSER This flight from Pago-Pago to Tahiti was eight hours of beautiful weather and blue skies; a welcome change. Dick Blosser reported from a message from Mike and Dick, "@ 1500 LOCAL PDT WE R 750 MILES FRM TAHITI. DR IN LEAD. 11K ALT TAX 160 KTS. GS 157 KTS. FOB 83 GAL. HF IS POOR TODAY. HAND FLY, NO A/P (AUTOPILOT). HOPE SERVO IS IN TAHITI. WX SCAT CU 6K FEET-HI BKN CIRRUS ABOVE. LIT TUB. WIND 120/07. DR" Later during that flight, Blosser reported, "RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING FROM DICK (RUTAN). 464 MILES OUT TAHITI. WX CAVU. BIG BLUE ALL ARND. 160KS. DR" The guys got younger on this flight as the LongEZs crossed the International Date Line once again (you know, when you can take off tomorrow and land yesterday). Only problem here was it made their landing permit active for Sunday instead of Saturday! (details, details) The local Aero Club helped out with parking the birds (Mike and Dick had been asked to move the LongEZs because they were in the parking bay belonging to a 747 and the big bird was due to arrive in a few hours). As for accommodations, Mike and Dick stayed at the Bali Hi - a grass thatch hut right on the beach! The party came to a halt when customs opened on Monday. Both auto pilots needed repair (Mike's had an electrical problem, but Dusty Rhodes talked him through it, and Dick faced a broken servo and had to hand fly the previous leg). Mike also had to replace a broken nose gear spring. On Wednesday, the guys were ready to move a little closer to home and flew from Tahiti to Totegegie as they make their way to Easter Island, where they'll be met by Victor Sifri and Melvyn. There isn't any aviation fuel available on Easter Island, but Victor has plenty waiting for them. He had fuel shipped on the once-a-month freighter in May - thanks Victor! After a visit on Easter Island, flight plan calls for the Guayaquil, Ecuador leg. Weather history and reporting is nil - there's nothing between but about 18 hours of air time! Until next update... blue skies! Kelly This trip has been made possible by our great sponsors: The Experimental Aircraft Association, Avemco Insurance, Toshiba, Trimble, INMARSAT, COMSAT, Sun N Fun, Mattituck, Superior Air Parts, Inc., Wayne Wright at, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty, Dick Blosser, Dr. George Jutila, MentorPlus, Leslie Carlsen, Harry Maybeck and more.