Status: UPDATE NINETEEN CONTACT - KELLY HALL 805-824-4608 (Dick Rutan's office) OR 805-943-4589 (home office) 805-824-9575 fax (e mail) (web site) THE SPIRIT OF EAA FRIENDSHIP WORLD TOUR CONTINUES 'ROUNDING THIRD BASE, HEADED FOR HOME The LongEZ's are flying today from Guayaquil, Ecuador to the Galapagos Islands, which is about a four hour flight. I just received the following e-mail from Dick, "OFF GUAYQ TO GALAP IS. 3.5 HRS TO GO OVER BIG BLUE OCN. CRAWFORDS WERE GRT. MUCHO TV-PRESS. AOK. LV 2 KRIS. DR" While in Ecuador, both Mike Melvill and Dick Rutan enjoyed the hospitality of Russell and Robert Crawford, who have been friends of Dick's for years. When the team arrived in Guayaquil, they rested up from the long journey from Easter Island to Ecuador. This flight was one of the most taxing, as there aren't any islands, zero population and no weather reporting or weather history. The flight was expected to take between 16 and 18 hours, but the LongEZ's were anxious to touch (or at least see) land again, so the pilots pushed up the power a bit, at the expense of good fuel consumption. Not a problem, however. They landed with plenty of fuel in just 15.4 hours. Russell Crawford just called to let me know Mike and Dick were airborne again (enroute Galapagos Islands) and mentioned that while in Ecuador, someone had asked them what they do during those long over water flights. Without hesitation, Mike responded, "We listen to the sounds of the engines." The airplanes have been running very well, and have only needed minor repairs and parts replacements. Mike's wife, Sally, has always been able to stay a step ahead, and has been able to have "just the right" parts waiting for them at their next stop. Communications have broken down a little. Seems that while in Norfolk, both internal modems were blown when they hooked up to the e-mail. That failure has made communication difficult and intermittent, but Mike has since purchased an external modem, and we're all "talking" again. Communications will halt for two days, as when they reach the Galapagos Islands, the pilots will be guests aboard a yacht for three nights, and there aren't any telephone facilities aboard. During that time, they will tour the Galapagos Islands aboard the yacht, all arranged by Russell Crawford. >From Galapagos, they will fly to Mexico City, where a large group of EAA Members are waiting to hear their tales of "Around The World In 80 Days, Give Or Take A Couple." After that, they're coming home. Since they are able to get on line again, they will be able to answer the three weeks worth of questions I have sent regarding auto fuel performance, repairs, etc. and they'll update me about their Pacific Ocean crossing. That information and more should be packed in update twenty. Until then... blue skies! Kelly This trip has been made possible by our great sponsors: The Experimental Aircraft Association, Avemco Insurance, Toshiba, Trimble, INMARSAT, COMSAT, Sun N Fun, Mattituck, Superior Air Parts, Inc., Wayne Wright at, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty, Dick Blosser, Dr. George Jutila, MentorPlus, Leslie Carlsen, Harry Maybeck and more.