

On Aviation Weather Forecasts
With apologies to those who may be offended
and to the late Sir Winston Churchill - who most definitely would be!

Never in the field of human error
    has so much -      
                    been paid to so few -
                              to be so wrong -
                                        so many times...


Think about this one
You like to fly "by the book" - however the "book" cannot possibly cover all situations
So think about what you signing for with "everything/anything" associated with flying

It is far better to be "illegally" ALIVE than "legally" DEAD

    Legislation should not be used as a substitute for "Common Sense"!

Advice from an "Old Dog" Aviator
For those of you who are about to have a "minor" mishap
that is fly light aircraft on a regular basis
somewhere - sometime - it will happen!

It's not CASA you have to worry about after "dinging" your aircraft's the Insurance Company!