Extracted from:

Original Reports are in Italian - translated into English by Franco Scarpini

Posted 27/02/2019

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*Il Corriere della Sera April 30, 1933 * *little reliable and fragmentary journalistic news... * A wing of the aircraft 2 kilometers away from the place of the disaster; The engine intact; About 300 meters away and further down the body of the wretched aviator; About 500 meters an airplane wing was discovered; On the mountain ridge some pieces of canvas of wings have been found; The engine of the aircraft appears to be in excellent condition;
*The Nation April 30, 1933*... *reliable evidence of two Policemen Pollini and Aureli*... That area is almost bare of vegetation, little grass and some juniper bush, near two very large beech trees, not far from the aircraft smashed, at a hundred meters below, corpse of the aviator, in a supine position and the head smashed... farther away was a wing fragment... It is presumed that a storm caused the appliance to fail since it was, no longer commanded, to go into the ground with the propeller such was the impact that the pilot was launched a hundred meters away.
*more reliable** testimony of the Medical Vettori*... the skull was completely open, according the Doctor, in the fall Hinkler reported severe head injuries, resulting in almost instant death; in the sacred-lumbar region of the corpse he also noticed a deep groove at a clean cut of all the garments; near the corpse a depression about ten centimeters deep and about forty centimeters wide makes one suppose to be the trace of the body, left on the ground soaking, falling from above; perhaps, since the body has been found supine, it is possible that in the few moments of life remaining, during the agonic spasm, the poor wounded had the strength to revolt before expiring.
*much more reliable** evidence of the Chemist Pharmacist in service at Strada in Casentino, ex-Officer Aviator of the Reserve, Ghedini of Ferrara*... the aircraft was not at all burned as they had said; nearby, a large piece of wing had been found, namely the whole entrance bridge of the left wing and part of the fuselage frame, namely the one used as a trunk; the aircraft would have crashed vertically so that the propeller and the engine got stuck in the ground; about the fall of the pilot, he observed that, the command post located between the engine and the fuselage is the one offering the least resistance and so the aircraft it must be opened in two, projecting out, and with extreme violence, given the deep sinking found on the ground, the pilot. This is confirmed, not only by the place where the body was found, but also by the same location where the central fuel tank was...; These assumptions by Lieutenant Ghedini would rule out that Hinkler went smashed against the mountain, especially since the place where the device and the body were traced is in the part of the declivity of the terrain, which would show that the point of maximum altitude was already been happily exceeded.