As from Sunday September 1. 1996 the previously non-existent night time security of
Archerfield Airport will be handled by Tim Hoffmann
The Operators (and the F.A.C.) at the airfield have combined to employ Tim,
(of Hoffmann Special Services, an experienced Security Organisation) to ensure that their
valuable equipment on the field is protected.
Tim, an Archerfield Aviator and Tiger Moth buff, knows the airport and the
"legal" persons entitled to be on the grounds "after dark"

Latest Photo of Tim installing Spotlights on 4 wheel drive, preparing to turn night into day "if required"
December 3 1996
Tim Hoffmann advises that the agreement with the Federal Airports Corp. covers only the
"security" of F.A.C. owned buildings, and not Aircraft or Privately owned Hangars on Archerfield.
The individual aircraft and/or building owner does not have "security" of their very valuable
equipment unless private arrangements have been made.
Private security can be organised by contacting Tim or any other security organisation.
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